ALTERA FINANCE IG organized a bond issueAug 5, 2010 The Investment Group ALTERA FINANCE was an organizer of the registered secured bond issue with closed placement of Private Joint Stock Company “Gorlovskiy meat processing plant” (Interim certificate #35/2/10-T from 2010.10.06). Bonds placement was finished on the 4th of August 2010 within an announced number of investors. The bonds were issued in a book-entry form in number of 3001 pieces with total principal value of 30 010 000 million hryvnia. Bonds placing deadline – from the 20th of June 2010 till the 19th of August 2010. The life of the bond – after the SSMSC bonds placement report and the issuing of the issue of bonds registry certificate till the 10th of June 2015 inclusive. Maturity of the bond issue – since the 11th of June 2015 till the 10th of June 2016. Issue parameters provide an offer once per quarter. The annual interest rate is 20% for the first period. A preterm issue cancellation is also provided. Back to the list |