
Licence ÀÃ ¹ 579905 for professional activity in the stock market - trading in securities, brokerage. Issued by State Commission for Securities and Stock Market (DKCPFR) on Sep 14, 2011.

License ÀÃ ¹ 579906 for professional activity in the stock market - trading in securities, dealership. Issued by DKCPFR on Sep 14, 2011

License ÀÃ ¹ 579907 for professional activity in the stock market - trading in securities, underwriting. Issued by DKCPFR on Sep 14, 2011.

License ÀÅ ¹ 286622 for professional activity in the stock market - depositary operations. Issued by NKCPFR on Oct 10, 2013.

License ÀÅ ¹ 286623 for professional activity in the stock market - depositary operations with the assets of collective investment units. Issued by NKCPFR on Oct 10, 2013.

License AB ¹ 617849 for professional activity in the stock market - asset management of institutional investors ( asset management ) . Issued by NKCPFR on Apr 06,2012.

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